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Version: 2.0

Create a single delivery



This endpoint is meant to be used for creating a single delivery in our Platform to then be processed and dispatched by a fleet.


Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: Bearer <token>

    Content-Type stringrequired

    Default value: application/json


    dropoff_city stringrequired

    City for the dropoff - destination city

    dropoff_email stringrequired

    Receiver's email who is addressed the package/s to. This field can be used by SiG or the Fleet to provide certain notifications to the receiver

    dropoff_firstname stringrequired

    Receiver's firstname who is addressed the package/s to

    dropoff_lastname stringrequired

    Receiver's lastname who is addressed the package/s to

    dropoff_postalcode stringrequired

    Receiver's postalcode where the package/s will be dropped off

    dropoff_streetname stringrequired

    Receiver's streetname where the package/s will be dropped off

    sender_external_id stringrequired

    This field represents the Delivery ID from the Sender's side which usually represents the Order Id of the purchase. This ID will be used for the driver to recognize the package and the destination

    dangerous_good boolean

    If a good is considered hazardous and needs special treatment then we advise to set this as true

    depth number

    The depth in cm of the parcel. Maximum integer length of 4 and maximum of 2 decimal places

    dropoff_comments string

    Comments while dropping off the package/s - i.e. please enter the red gateway and turn left

    dropoff_company string

    Company name in case is a B2B delivery or parcel needs to be dropped at the customer's workplace

    dropoff_neighbour string

    If the agreement allows this service, this field will indicate what's the neighbour's name designated by the customer

    dropoff_phone string

    Receiver's phone who is addressed the package/s to. Be aware that this field can be used by SiG or the Fleet to provide certain notifications via SMS or WhatsApp

    dropoff_safeplace string

    If the agreement allows this service, this field will indicate what's the safeplace designated by the customer

    dropoff_streetnumber string

    Receiver's streetnumber where the package/s will be dropped off

    dropoff_w3w string

    Receiver's what3words encoded location where the package/s will be dropped off

    height number

    The height in cm of the parcel. Maximum integer length of 4 and maximum of 2 decimal places

    length number

    The length in cm of the parcel. Maximum integer length of 4 and maximum of 2 decimal places

    metadata string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    Arbitrary metadata that is either an object or a string

    quantity integer

    Quantity of parcels within this delivery. By default is 1

    service_type string

    Type of delivery service. Keep in mind every service has a different price and different terms

    shipment_id string

    Field to use in order to group a sequence of deliveries that shall be combined

    test boolean

    Flag for testing while implementing, this will prevent to be sent to the real fleet and remain in the Sandbox. It's only meant to be used for integration purposes

    volume_predefined number

    If the volume of the parcel is known from the Sender's side, it is recommended to be provided. It is expected to be in cm³

    weight number

    Field to host the weight of the delivery when is known. The standard units are kg



    status stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    delivery objectrequired
    sender_external_id string

    This is the ID reference from the sender. It is used normally as mapping between both platforms.

    id string

    SiG Internal ID

    public_link string

    This is the unique link identifier for a customer to access our Customer Portal. This portal allows the customer to modify the delivery.
